Legoaizer - Help

From scratch

Creating a new colour brick dataset from scratch

In some cases you have special colours in mind and deviating bricks, which are not found in the Bricklink database which is installed in Legoaizer. In such a case you like to create your own dataset with colours and bricks. There is one way of doing it, starting from a Bricklink database, and then exit, but this will very likely fail, since the input format is very sensitive to errors.

We have now provided a very easy way to create a new dataset from scratch. You can the new data set interface from the Main Menu > 'Colour table' > 'New colour/brick table'. This will open a very simple interface with just a few controls:

The two little arrows on the left indicate the size of the table. It starts by default with 2 colours and 2 bricks (1x1 and 1x2 studs). These arrows will increase or decrease the amount of colours and bricks. The two radio buttons on the right indicate what kind of table you want to create: a (lego) brick table or a Beads table. The only difference is that in a Beads table only one type of brick is allowed: 1x1. When you try to create a Beads table with more than one brick it will warn you.

The table in the window has 5 fixed columns: the 'Colour Name' (double click and type the colour name), the 'Red', 'Green' and 'Blue' colour parameters (in bytes =  value from 0 to 255), and at least one brick size. More bricks are possible, more colours as well. There is no limit to the size of the table. Perhaps a practical size will hamper you a bit. The values under the brick reflect the cost of each brick-colour combination, and must be in the same value range as the one that is currently active in your application (menu > 'Preferences''Other settings' > 'Currency x 100' ). The brick sizes must be unique (errors may occur when you have identical brick sizes), and always start with the lowest amount of studs (so: 1x2 and not 2x1). To set a colour value a simple spin edit will show in the cell you select, as shown in the example picture below. You can use the up-down arrows to quickly set the value, or type in number between 0 and 255.

When you are ready make sure all the brick values are available, and the brick names on top of the values are correct. Only the column that has a brick value (or rather: no text found) is taken as a table value. Then press the 'Save table as' button and provide a name of the file. The file extension is always .xml, and there is no need to provide it (automatically done). The table is not automatically active, only passively saved. To change your data table, follow the usual approach (from the main menu: 'Colour table' > 'Open table' ). Only when the table is found valid the new table will become active.

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